Photos and Bios of Bozeman Batiks Featured Team Members
“While my business Seitel Lighting is on coronavirus hiatus, I’m exploring a whole new way to be creative and help my community. I do all the fabric shopping, cutting, and kit-prepping for my stitchers; sew custom orders; create the product photos and videos; run the Etsy store; and do outreach to the community.”
Julie Seitel
“I am a mom of four adult children, grandma of two, and have been married 40 years to my wonderful and supportive husband Terry. I help on our ranch and also am a model and actress. I have been sewing since I was 13 years old and took home the purple sweepstakes ribbon from the winter fair for an outfit I made.”
Lori Dyk Wubben
“I am a sewing enthusiast who particularly enjoys making garments. I sew most of my own clothes out of vintage and repurposed materials. Since the coronavirus pandemic began, however, I’ve switched my focus to making masks for family, friends, and now Bozeman Batiks. I am also a coach for the US Paralympic Nordic ski team, long distance runner, animal lover, avid bookworm, and fan of bright, colorful things, especially sunflowers.”
Paige Elliot
“I’m a 2012 graduate from Manhattan Christian School. I love volunteering at Twice Treasured and the Churchill retirement home. My hobbies include anything artsy or animals and riding my quad. I came into this world weighing only one pound two ounces… I may be little but with God’s help I can do big things!”
Aleesha Wubben
Apprentice Designer
Stella is camera-shy and prefers to remain anonymous! She’s a great stitcher and is our Great Big Bag specialist.
Captain Bear is the official Bozeman Batiks mascot. He beta tests all of our bags and is occasionally featured in our product photos for scale and comic relief.
Captain Bear
Ursine Product Demonstration Specialist